County Board Amends Policy for Animal Boarding Fees


Published on August 17 2020 5:43 pm
Last Updated on August 17 2020 5:43 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Effingham County Board members Monday voted to purchase election equipment.

The equipment is being purchased from ES&S for $253,930. The equipment will not be in place in time for the November election, but County Clerk and Chief Election Authority Kerry Hirtzel said the new equipment will be needed soon

The Board amended the Animal Boarding Fee policy. Supporters of the measure say it is to insure the fees charged by the County will not price out private shelters, saying "We want to be the provider of last resort."

Board member and animal rights supporter Heather Mumma didn't like the phrasing of the legislation since it didn't specifically say euthanasia is not an option to dispose of the animals. Other board members say the overall legislation specifies that Effingham County's shelter is a "no-kill" facility. Mumma still voted against the motion.

The Board passed a resolution opposing clemency or parole for Aaron Hyche and James Taylor, the murderers of late State Trooper Layton Davis; appointed four drainage district commissioners Samuel Jansen at Island Grove, Greg Elmore at Lucas Township, Joe Thoele in South Island, and Dennis Niemerg at St. Francis Township; and approved a preliminary engineering agreement with Charleston Engineering for a low water crossing in Union Township, three miles east of Mason on 225th Avenue.

Hirtzel reported that they've received 1,332 applications for mail-in ballots. He said they had received 589 four years ago.

The Board is also looking for someone to process COVID expenses incurred by the County for reimbursement by federal CURES funds. Board Chairman Jim Niemann said they would pay $15/hour for the part-time position. The person would work through December 30. If you're interested, phone the County Board office at 342-4990.