Several Local Leaders Issue COVID-19 Letter


Published on August 17 2020 5:48 am
Last Updated on August 17 2020 5:48 am
Written by Greg Sapp

A letter was issued Friday afternoon bearing the signature of several local leaders regarding COVID-19.

Here is the letter:

"To the Citizens of Effingham County, Friends and Neighbors:

As the world continues to wrestle with the COVID-19 pandemic, our social fabric and sense of unity is under stress. Thank you for taking this virus seriously. The sacrifices you are making during this time--closing businesses, cancelling gatherings, and social distancing from those you love--are not in vain. These are incredibly important as we are doing all we can to slow the spread of this pandemic. Your diligent efforts have flattened the curve and we kept our medical facilities fully capable of handling COVID-19 cases.

We have been proactive in our communication, transparent in our activities, and inclusive with employees as we all collectively work to keep our community healthy. We are working closely with local and state public health authorities as they follow their protocols for investigating and notifying any individuals who may have had exposure to an individual who tests positive.

As an employee, you have a responsibility to focus on the health and safety of employees and customers. Businesses should set priorities and manage the ongoing crisis with goals to keep their employees gainfully employed and develop procedures to keep their employees and customers safe.

All of us are troubled by the changes around us and we, too, need perspective. The pressure of unusual circumstances, sudden adjustments in our daily routines, and the necessity of developing new skills--all these things require reflection and the faithful realignment of our thinking.

As community leaders, we will make decisions with the best available information to us at the time. Situations and information can change dramatically from day to day. We are working earnestly, and we ask for your prayers for wisdom to make the very best decisions for our community as a whole.

We owe it to one another to take responsibility and pay attention to each other, advise one another, check on one another, serve one another, and exercise patience with one another. Please follow the guidelines as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by practicing social distancing, wearing protective masks, and washing hands.

Thank you for your support as we work together to fight the spread of COVID-19.

We can do this!"

The letter is signed by Effingham Mayor Mike Schutzbach, Altamont Mayor Jason Rippetoe, Dieterich Village President Brad Hardiek, Effingham Water Authority Chairman Rob Brown, Effingham County Board Chairman Jim Niemann, and Effingham County Chamber of Commerce President Norma Lansing.