15 New Positive COVID-19 Cases Thursday


Published on August 7 2020 6:03 am
Last Updated on August 7 2020 9:41 am
Written by Greg Sapp

0807 Covid Eff

Effingham County Health Department Thursday reported 15 new positive cases of COVID-19.

Two females in their teens, two males in their 20s, three females in their 30s, a female and male in their 40s, a female and male in their 50s, two females in their 60s, a female in her 70s, and a male in his 80s have had no known contact with a positive case. 

All are doing well in isolation.

Families are encouraged to review their plan for what to do if they are placed in quarantine due to COVID. Do you have a family member or friend who can assist you with errands such as grocery shopping or medicine pick up? Have you discussed with your employer what their requirements are for you to return to work? It is much easier to plan for these things than to deal with them at a moment’s notice with no preparation.

Because many businesses and individuals are not following COVID safety guidance, the health department is noticing an increase in community transmission associated with events and locations where crowds are congregating and not wearing face coverings or social distancing. It is important to follow safety precautions of social distancing, hand hygiene and wearing a face covering in public. It is still not safe to attend events where a large number of people are congregating, even if the event is outside.

COVID can be spread up to 48 hours before a person starts with symptoms. Anyone who has been at gatherings where little to no safety measures were in place is at risk of contracting COVID-19. WATCH FOR THESE SYMPTOMS: Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea. If you experience symptoms, isolate immediately and contact your healthcare provider about getting tested for COVID-19.

The public is asked to follow and share trusted sources of information on COVID-19. Follow the CDC, IDPH and ECHD websites.