Unit 40 Trying to Finalize Plans for School Year While Still Waiting on Information from State


Published on August 6 2020 3:33 pm
Last Updated on August 6 2020 8:42 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Unit40 Back to school plan

Members of the Effingham Unit 40 Curriculum Committee Thursday heard that the district is trying to get plans finalized for the new school year while still waiting on information from the State.

Unit 40 Superintendent Mark Doan said that he is expecting upgraded guidelines from the Illinois Department of Public Health. In the meantime, Doan said he is concerned that typical illnesses in a school could result in those children being sent home and not being allowed to return without a doctor's note. He is concerned about the cost to a family of a doctor's visit to get the note. Again, that matter is tentative at the moment, but they are waiting on the final guidelines.

Another scenario discussed was what if a student tests positive for COVID? Doan expects the District would shut down that building for deep cleaning. If that student has siblings in other buildings, what should be the District's approach? Doan said that's why the information from the State is needed.

Also Thursday, committee members heard from Assistant Superintendent Jason Fox that many parents have still not registered their children for the school year. Fox said it is still the case that more people have indicated whether they want in-school or remote instruction than have registered their kids for school. 

Regarding a Back to School Plan for Unit 40, Doan said each building has held a staff meeting. As to the latest on remote learning, teachers have been identified at each grade level from Pre-K to Grade 5. The remote learning instructors will teach from their building. As for Grades 6-12, work is being done to offer as many classes as possible. Even Band and Chorus is going to be available with online instruction utilized.

One remote learning consideration is that those learners will need to be checked in by the time the class starts or else the student will be counted absent. 

Doan said the remote learning framework is online.

Fox also shared that, if the Board concurs, there will be opportunity to order additional supplies if a need is identified once classes begin.