Never Too Early to Think About Hunting Season; Lake Shelbyville Announces Tree Stand Plans
Published on August 3 2020 3:02 pm
Last Updated on August 3 2020 3:26 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
It's never too early to be thinking about hunting season.
Lake Shelbyville‘s Tree Stand Policy for this year will remain the same as it was last season. The policy allows hunters to leave one stand up for the season (“Seasonal Tree Stand”) and/or utilize a “Roving” stand that can be left up for a period not to exceed a break in use greater than 72 hours – the length of a three day weekend. Seasonal tree stands may be placed two weeks prior to archery season and must be removed within two weeks of archery season ending. Archery season runs from October 1, 2020 - January 17, 2021.
To limit face-to-face contact and the handling of money during the COVID-19 pandemic, seasonal tree stand permits will only be available for purchase using a credit or debit card at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Visitor Center located at 1989 State Hwy. 16 in Shelbyville, IL. Hunters wishing to purchase a seasonal tree stand permit ($30.00) must present a valid hunting license before a permit will be issued. Seasonal and Roving tree stand permits may be obtained from the Lake Shelbyville Project Office Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Roving tree stand permits, which are free of charge, may also be obtained in Sullivan, IL at Ace Hardware or Phillips 66 (formerly Howy’s Lakeside) Gas Station located five miles south of Sullivan, IL on Highway 32, and Chip’s Marine. Hunters can also pick up Roving tree stand permits at Ace Hardware in Shelbyville.
Hunters utilizing ladder stands are encouraged to purchase a Seasonal permit. A Roving permit is designed for the mobile hunter and requires the hunter to remove the stand from the woods if there is a break in use greater than 72 hours. While a ladder stand could be utilized in this manner, due to their size and weight they are not considered portable. Because of this, numerous citations are issued every season to hunters placing Roving permit stickers on ladder stands and failing to remove them when not in use. The expense associated with a citation for Failure to Comply with Posted Restrictions is $80.00, which is approximately 2.75 years’ worth of Seasonal Permits.
For additional information concerning the Lake Shelbyville Tree Stand Policy, contact the Environmental Stewardship Department at (217) 774-3951, ext. 7049.