IESA Fall Sports Are Back On, EJHS Baseball, Softball Tryouts Scheduled
Published on July 31 2020 6:11 pm
Last Updated on July 31 2020 6:12 pm
Written by Millie Lange
If you have tryout or practice information you'd like us to share, contact us here
During the meeting on July 23, the Illinois Elementary School Association Board made the decision to cancel the fall activities of golf, softball, baseball, and cross-country. That decision was based on the information the Association had at the time of the meeting.
The All Sports Guidance document that was recently released from the Governor's Office placed the sports of golf, softball, baseball, and cross-country in the "lower risk" category. Sports in that category can hold practices and interscholastic games.
As a result of these four sports being recategorized to lower risk and with interscholastic competitions being allowed, the IESA Board for Directors has approved a plan for the return of regular-season contests in these activities and a limited state series.
Softball, baseball, and cross-country teams may begin their practices on Monday, August 3 and they may conduct their first game or contest on Saturday, August 15. Please note that competitions may not be held before August 15. This means that contests previously scheduled to start before August 15 will need to be canceled. This start date is mandated by the Governor’s Office. A copy of that document is available here.
A regional only level of the state series for softball and baseball will be held the week of September 21 and a sectional only level for cross-country will be held sometime between October 10-17. A sectional only level for golf will be held on Wednesday, September 9.
Additionally, the Board approved a plan for modified seasons in all remaining IESA sports and activities. The purpose of the plan is to provide schools, administrators, coaches, parents, and officials with a general framework for their sports and activity programs in the 2020-21 school year. It is a very fluid plan and circumstances/guidelines/mandates may change any part of the plan at any time. The plan is available here.
It is important to remember that the 2020-21 school year is not going to be the same as in previous years. The IESA is hopeful that the remainder of the sports and activities will be held. Currently, the majority of those activities have been deemed as medium or high risk. The Board felt that the plan they approved provides direction and a blueprint should we be able to move forward.
With all of that said, Effingham Junior High School will be holding baseball and softball tryouts Monday, August 3.
Baseball Coach Rod Wiethop's baseball squad will meet Monday, August 3, and Tuesday, August 4 from 4-5:30 p.m. at the junior high school diamond behind Effingham High School's track.
Softball Coach Hillary Kopplin will have tryouts Monday, August 3 from 8-10 a.m. at the varsity softball field at Effingham High School.