Windsor School Board Readies for School Year
Published on July 30 2020 10:44 am
Last Updated on July 30 2020 10:44 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Windsor school officials are hoping for a cool beginning to the school year.
Superintendent Erik VanHoveln said air-conditioning will be available in all classrooms for the first time ever in the district.
At this month's meeting, the Windsor board heard from their academic advisor about new classes being offered in the district, as well as an expanded list of dual credit offerings.
The Board amended the school calendar to include two remote learning planning days, utilizing Google Classroom, named Lindsay Floyd the junior high head softball coach, and hired Jay Potter as a long term sub through the first semester in Spanish. A permanent teacher will be available for second semester once the person has completed all of their requirements.
At a special meeting earlier this week, the Windsor board purchased an online program, Educere, to provide remote learning instruction. Van Hoveln said the move would allow the district's instructors to concentrate on in-class instruction and allow the district to offer full school days. As Van Hoveln noted when discussing the end of last school year when the Coronavirus Disease started to make itself known, "we have some catching up to do".