Unit 40 Board Approves Back to School Plan


Published on July 27 2020 9:13 pm
Last Updated on July 27 2020 9:26 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Unit40 Back to school plan

The Effingham Unit 40 Board of Education Monday voted to approve a back-to-school plan for the district.

The plan includes provisions for both in-class and remote instruction, and adjusts the length of the school day to accommodate both methods of instruction.

At last report, 86% of those who have indicated want to utilize in-class instruction. To let teachers help with both in-class and remote learning, the school day has been shortened. The class day for those in Grades K-8 will be 8am to 2pm. The class day for those in Grades 9-12 will be 7:45am to 1:30pm. The Pre-K instruction will remain as had previously been planned.

Superintendent Mark Doan amended the guidelines for changing a method of instruction. The basic guideline will be stay with what your choose until after nine weeks for Grades K-8, and after one semester for Grades 9-12. The amendment will allow for an emergency request before those deadlines, but no guarantee that the request will be granted.

Another change is, due to a guideline from the State, remote learners CAN participate in extra-curricular activities.

The vote to approve the back-to-school plan was 6-1. Board President Angie Byers voted No, saying she is concerned about students' wait time.

Effingham Classroom Teachers Association Shannon Hall-Nannini also spoke to the Board, saying she feels teachers didn't have enough input in developing the plan, and voicing concern over those who are high risk in avoiding COVID-19.

With the plan approved, the District now has a month to get the plan implemented ahead of the August 26 start of the school year.

The matter of masks is already decided; they will be required. The Board approved that at last week's meeting.

The Board Monday also awarded bids for food and fuel, and purchased laptop computers to make sure every teacher who wants one has one to aid in remote instruction. The Board also purchased Pro Med guards from Stevens Industries for teachers. 

Board members also discussed whether they want to pursue a 1% sales tax in November. The tax proposal, which has been voted down twice previously, would provide money for facility maintenance and construction. The revenue could also help pay off bonds.

Board member Steve Bone said businesspeople have approached him to pursue the proposal again. August 17 is the deadline to place a referendum on the November ballot. Some other board members voiced support of the idea, while others were quiet. 

Board members also acted on a number of extra-curricular positions. Here's the rundown:


High School Football Coordinator John Stout, High School Assistant Football Coach Mike McDonald, High School Assistant Soccer Coach Juan Angel, High School Head Girls Golf Coach Jerry Trigg, Frosh-Soph High School Volleyball Coach Colleen Westendorf, JV High School Volleyball Coach Micaela Chrappa, Boys JV Basketball Coach Colton Booher, Boys Frosh-Soph Basketball Coach Jordan Andruch, Girls Frosh-Soph Basketball Coaches Troy VanBlaricum and Megan McDonald, Head Wrestling Coach Bryan McMillan, Assistant High School Wrestling Coach Jeremy Patnaude, Boys High School Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach Colton Booher, Boys High School Frosh-Soph Baseball Coach Kyle Bourgeois, Assistant High School Girls Track Coach Shayna Phillips, Head High School Softball Coach Jerry Trigg, Assistant Varsity High School Softball Coach Jeff Tonn, Assistant Frosh-Soph High School Softball Coach Kristin Harvey, Assistant High School Scholar Bowl Coach Carol Babbs, Head High School Basketball Cheer Coach Dana Koester


Junior High Head Softball Coach Hillary Kopplin, Junior High Assistant Baseball Coach Rich Hirtzel, 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach Mike Depoister, 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach Ken Cornell


Assistant High School Football Cheer Coach Carissa Niemerg, Volunteer High School Assistant Football Coaches Shane Smith and Bill Hoeske, Volunteer Assistant Girls Golf Coach Mark Burgess, Volunteer Girls Assistant Basketball Coach Lacy Althoff, Volunteer High School Softball Coach Kaylee Tonn, Volunteer High School Boys and Girls Swimming Coaches David Duncan and Elizabeth Braunecker, Volunteer Junior High Baseball Coach Phil Hull, Volunteer Junior High School Basketball Coach Phil Hull, Assistant High School Basketball Coaches Ashely Clough, Lisa Sigg, Brittany Mooney and Grace Lybarger

Also in personnel moves, the Board employed Jim McElroy as a two-hour bus driver, approved transfers for four-hour bus drivers Laura Hodges and Lowell Fehrenbacher, and 5-1/2 hour cook at Central Janice Doughtery, and accepted a resignation from Elaina LaPage as a cafeteria monitor at South Side.