LLC Board of Trustees Approves Contracts for Neal Hall Repairs
Published on July 27 2020 10:58 am
Last Updated on July 27 2020 10:58 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Lake Land College trustees have awarded contracts for repairs to Neal Hall following a fire that damaged the building earlier this year.
The fire in April caused smoke damage throughout the structure and water damage to the roof and the commons area of the north wing near the Art and Music classrooms.
A professional services contract was awarded for design services and construction manager work on the repair project.
Trustees also approved a contract with the college's paraprofessional association.
The Board accepted a grant from the Illinois Community College Faculty Association. The $2,500 grant is for a research project to be conducted during the upcoming academic year.
Anthropology Instructor Carolyn Stephens plans to research and map Old York Road, a roadway that ran through Coles and Clark counties. The roadway is believed to have run from Charleston to West York. Stephens' report will document the existence, exact route, and nearby sites of significance, as the road was a probable route for Abraham Lincoln during his travels to do legal work throughout the old Eighth Judicial Circuit.
There is a student learning component, as they will do hands-on researching, mapping, documenting, compiling and entering data into a GIS system for future use.
The Board also learned that Lake Land for the 12th year has received a $25,000 Growing Agricultural Science Teachers Grant. With the funding, Lake Land will provide paid internships for up to 11 Lake Land college and district high school Agriculture students to gain experience in the Ag Ed field.
Trustees heard that the Illinois Board of Higher Education has selected Lake Land for a Work Study grant for over $44,000. The project will allow approximately 37 students who are income eligible to work for 10 employers in a co-op program in their career field.
The meeting also marked a return to campus for trustees who had been meeting remotely in recent months due to coronavirus disease concerns.