Stew-Stras School Board Acts on Personnel, Learning Plan, Cross Country Coop Agreement
Published on July 17 2020 2:26 pm
Last Updated on July 17 2020 2:26 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Stewardson-Strasburg school board members acted on several personnel matters at this week's meeting.
Melinda Dunn was hired as a full-time cook and Chris Dyer as high school assistant baseball coach. Resignations were accepted from Randy Schwartz as JV boys basketball coach and from Brittany Oller as junior high volleyball coach.
The Board approved a resolution to approve the Remote and Blended Remote Learning Day Plan, the district's re-opening plan for the new school year, and also authorized the superintendent to begin work on a proposed budget for the coming fiscal year. Also approved was an annual audit with Mose, Yockey, Brown and Kull beginning August 17.
Stew-Stras board members also learned that Cumberland will join Stew-Stras and Neoga school districts in a cross country co-op for the coming school year.