Effingham Natives Have Theater Careers Shut Down by COVID-19


Published on July 16 2020 3:35 pm
Last Updated on July 16 2020 5:30 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Abigail and Anthony Zaccari

Abigail and Anthony Zaccari are Effingham natives, but have been attending school and living in New York City. The sister and brother are launching careers in the theater, Abigail behind the scenes, but Anthony on stage.

COVID-19's impact on New York included shutting down the theater community.

Abigail and Anthony are two of Phil and Cathy Zaccari's children. They attend Pace University. Abigail was in New York when the shutdown occurred, while Anthony was in Columbus, Ohio with the touring company of "Young Frankenstein". 

Abigail and Anthony have been spending time both here and in New York, but both were in town in recent days and had time for a visit at the radio station to share what things have been like since the shutdown. Greg Sapp had the opportunity to visit with them. Here's that interview...