North Clay Board Hears of Plans for New Year


Published on July 16 2020 10:49 am
Last Updated on July 16 2020 10:49 am
Written by Greg Sapp

North Clay school board members Wednesday heard that plans are moving ahead for the new school year.

Superintendent Travis Wyatt reported that grade school and high school administrative assistants have prepared and launched online registration for the coming year. Wyatt shared that floors, hallways and classrooms have been renovated by the custodial staff and reported that carpet removal and installation is in progress at the elementary school for three classrooms and the office. Water bottle filter stations have been installed around campus.

The Board voted to pay custodial salaries from the Operations and Maintenance Fund, and authorized Wyatt to begin working on a tentative budget for the coming fiscal year. Board members heard a presentation on a bus replacement plan for the district.

North Clay board members voted to waive registration fees for the coming school year, except for building and activity fees. There was also discussion on transition and return to school plans for the new year. Wyatt was also authorized to update the coming year's calendar as needed.

Following a closed session, North Clay board members accepted the resignation of Brooke Bayles as high school head volleyball coach, then moved Ashli Voelker from high school assistant volleyball coach to head coach. The Board hired Kali Carroll as part-time/half-time counselor at the grade school and junior high; hired Kim Adair as 8th grade head girls basketball coach, accepted the resignation of Regina Levi as paraprofessional and aide, and granted the Administration authority to fill posted open positions.