Teutopolis Village Board Deals w/Infrastructure Matters
Published on July 16 2020 10:04 am
Last Updated on July 16 2020 10:04 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Some meetings are flashy, others are just taking care of regular business.
That was the case for the Teutopolis Village Board Wednesday night.
The Board paid a $357,000 bill to Howell Paving for work on the Route 40 turn lane project on the west side of the village. Also approved was an ordinance regulating the movement of vehicles and flow of traffic in Prairie View Subdivision. The measure directs where stop signs will be placed on roadways within the growing residential subdivision on the village's southeast side.
The Board also passed the appropriations ordinance for the new fiscal year. The measure sets what can be spent from various funds, not necessarily what will be spent. The ordinance totals $10,647,380.