EHS to Conduct Outdoor Graduation Ceremony
Published on July 10 2020 4:26 pm
Last Updated on July 10 2020 5:12 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham High School will conduct an outdoor graduation ceremony for EHS 2020 graduates. The ceremony will take place on Sunday, July 19 at 5pm on the football field.
In order to meet guidelines established by IDPH, each graduate will be limited to two guests. Guests are asked to sit in the home bleachers and practice social distancing.
Graduates who are participating will need to meet at the EHS gym entrance at 4:15pm. Graduates will need to wear masks while in the building prior to the ceremony. During the ceremony, masks are recommended, but not be required (as long as social distancing is being followed).
School officials would appreciate any graduate planning to attend that has not already contacted the EHS office to do so immediately at 540-1100. One important note is that it is very probable graduates will be walking in the grass, so high heels may not be a good choice of footwear.
If the ceremony is canceled due to the weather, it will not be rescheduled. Phone the EHS Office with any questions at 540-1100.