738 New COVID-19 Cases Reported Monday in Illinois
Published on June 29 2020 2:30 pm
Last Updated on June 29 2020 2:31 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The Illinois Department of Public Health Monday reported 738 new cases of COVID-19 in the state. That number includes 14 additional confirmed deaths.
12 of those 14 deaths occurred in Cook County.
Almost 27,000 specimens were collected at Illinois laboratories, and the seven-day statewide positivity rate was 2.7%.
On Sunday, 646 new cases were reported, including 15 additional confirmed deaths, six in Cook County. Close to 24,000 new test results were reported.
On Saturday, 786 new cases were reported, including 26 additional deaths, 10 from Cook County. More than 30,000 new test results were reported.