Windsor School Board Holds June Meeting


Published on June 26 2020 2:40 pm
Last Updated on June 26 2020 2:40 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Windsor school board members approved an amended budget for the just-ending fiscal year, and approved a property/casualty/liability insurance renewal at this month's meeting. The insurance renewal included a 2.02% premium increase.

In personnel moves, the Windsor board accepted resignations from Allison McIlwain and Olivia Telgmann as co-Windsor/Stew-Stras dance coaches and from Craig Moffett as junior high softball head coach. The Board hired Jackalyn Creason as a Math Interventionist and Lindsay Floyd as the 2024 class sponsor.

Windsor board members also approved 3% salary hikes for district administrators and approved updated support staff salaries, which reflect a 3% increase.