Deputy Bierman Recognized for Lifesaving Efforts


Published on June 19 2020 3:53 pm
Last Updated on June 20 2020 10:52 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

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Deputy Doug Bierman of the Effingham County Sheriff's Department was presented a Distinguished Life Saving Award at the June meeting of the Effingham County Board.

The award states, "Deputy Bierman is recognized for his significant actions on March 23, 2020 in which he delivered medical intervention techniques on a subject who was unresponsive. His efforts were instrumental in the continuum of care, which resulted in the subject making a full recovery."

Sheriff Dave Mahon said the sheriff's office is proud to recognize Bierman, and believes this action is "another example of the excellent police service the deputies provide to our community."

Deputy Bierman and his family reside in Dieterich.