Census Bureau Field Workers Will be Delivering Questionnaires
Published on June 11 2020 9:57 am
Last Updated on June 11 2020 9:58 am
Field workers with the US Census Bureau will soon deliver census questionnaires to 43,647 Illinois households, primarily those who don't receive mail at their physical addresses.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Census Bureau suspended field operations March 28 to protect the public's health and that of census employees.
The Illinois Farm Bureau's Ashley Cravens said census takers are out in Illinois communities. Temporary census field workers were trained to follow social distancing protocols and will wear government-provided personal protective equipment. They will have census identification, masks and should be easy to identify.
Following federal health and safety guidelines, the workers will not knock on doors or speak with residents. Instead, a worker will simply confirm and update the address and leave a bag with a questionnaire at the door.
Cravens said Illinois Farm Bureau encourages members, and all Illinoisans, to complete the 2020 Census because an accurate count is key. She said hundreds of billions of dollars will be allocated based on official results from the Census. She said this will directly impact communities during the next 10 years. Additionally, legislative boundaries from US House districts, Illinois General Assembly and all the way down to county and municipal units of government will be redrawn based on shifts in population.
Cravens explained census data will help determine communities' needs and how those needs may be met. For example, an area with many young adults would be more likely to need hospitals and medical facilities equipped for births and to provide young children with health care. In an area with more elderly residents, medical providers and resources would be needed to meet their needs.
Cravens encouraged anyone who receives one of the questionnaire packets to use the identification number provided. Information can be supplied online, by calling or completing a paper form.