Altamont Council Discusses Use of City Parks
Published on June 10 2020 9:41 am
Last Updated on June 10 2020 9:41 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Altamont City Council members this week discussed use of city parks as pandemic restrictions ease.
City forces are limited as to the amount of sanitizing they can provide, so the Council decided to make the batters building at Gilbert Park available to four youths and an adult at a time. Some squads are practicing with 10 youths and an adult. At this time, the Council decided that is all they can permit.
The Council also discussed whether to reinstate utility bill penalties or disconnections of service for lack of payment. The consensus was to waive any penalties for June, but to revisit the issue for July.
Council members tabled a fee schedule for Curry and Associates Engineers for a south sanitary sewer lift station force main replacement project. There is some development planned in the affected area and City officials want to make sure the force main project doesn't impede the development. The Council did hire Midco Diving and Marine Services for dam inspection work at the City reservoir for a fee not to exceed $15,000.
The Council approved 3% pay increases for all non-union City employees, about 18 staffers in all.
There was also a reminder about a public information session regarding a full-city water main replacement project. The information session will follow the June 22 Council meeting, at 7pm in the Municipal Building Community Room. Some portions of the city water system are more than 100 years old, interest rates are low if borrowing funds is a consideration, and the possibility of obtaining grant funds for the project will be explored. City officials want Altamont residents to be well-informed about the project before it begins, leading to the decision to hold the informational session.