Details Released on Last Week's Motorcycle Crash on Outer Belt West
Published on June 9 2020 10:15 am
Last Updated on June 9 2020 10:15 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham city police have released information on a motorcycle crash that occurred on Outer Belt West on June 2.
The crash happened at 4:21pm when 60-year-old Glendal Jackson, Jr. of Teutopolis lost control of the cycle. The unit struck a curb then slid on its side.
Jackson and a passenger on the cycle, 31-year-old Natasha Eubank of Teutopolis, were both injured and were transported by ambulance to HSHS St. Anthony's Memorial Hospital in Effingham.
Jackson was cited for driving while license is revoked and failure to reduce speed to avoid the crash.