GFWC Illinois Effingham Women of Today Meet
Published on June 8 2020 2:07 pm
Last Updated on June 8 2020 2:08 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The GFWC Illinois Effingham Women of Today have elected officers for the 2020-2022 administration.
Due to the coronavirus restrictions, the election was held via email. The local officers will join newly elected state and district officers to launch the new international, state and district initiatives including education, environment, health and wellness, civic outreach, membership and leadership.
Officers for the 2020-2022 administration include: Vanessa Caton, Treasurer; Barbara Tull, Secretary; Becky Brown; Vice President/President-Elect; Pat Copple, President
Business conducted during the stay at home period included members sewing face masks for local healthcare organizations and club contributions to the Effingham Public Library Summer Reading Program and the Honor Flight of Illinois. The club awarded its adult scholarship to Ashley Tappendorf, who will be attending Eastern Illinois University in paralegal studies.
The group reconvened for the first time in three months on June 4 to discuss plans and projects for the remainder of the year that will align with the GFWC Illinois Program of Work.
The GFWC Illinois Effingham Women of Today is the local volunteer organization which is part of the state, national and international Federation of Women’s Clubs. Any person who is interested in getting involved with several local projects and scholarships may request an informational brochure or are invited to contact President Pat Copple, 217.821.8926 or Vice President Becky Brown, 217.342.4147 or any club member or attend any of the club’s monthly meetings on the first Thursday of most months.