Conversation w/Organizers of Peaceful Gathering Downtown Saturday
Published on June 5 2020 5:55 pm
Last Updated on June 5 2020 6:10 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Three of those involved in the organization of what is being called a "peaceful gathering" Saturday afternoon in downtown Effingham talked with News Director Greg Sapp and were guests on The Drive Home Friday.
Matthew Robinson, Christa Kabbes and Jalen Hovis discussed the plans for the gathering, but also shared about why they want to be a part of the event. Here's their conversation with Greg...
A reminder that those attending the gathering are encouraged to wear masks or face coverings with COVID-19 in mind.
Below is video of the conversation the group had on The Drive Home
Matthew Robinson, Christa Kabbes and Jalen Carrillo, members of The Effingham Social Justice Group joined The Drive Home...
Posted by 979 XFM on Friday, June 5, 2020