EHS Salute to the Class of 2020 Set for Sunday
Published on May 29 2020 3:20 pm
Last Updated on May 29 2020 3:22 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
A reminder of Sunday afternoon's salute to members of the Effingham High School Class of 2020.
EHS Principal Kurt Roberts said the seniors will be stationed by their vehicles at 2pm, when members of the public are invited to drive through the parking lot to wish them well. Roberts said the student vehicles will be parked in every other space. He said members of the public will then need to leave the school.
At 2:30pm, the seniors and the others in their vehicle will be asked to drive up to the monument in front of the school. They will receive their diploma and have a 5-by-7 photo taken, then be on their way. All of the actions are being taken with social distancing in mind.
A reminder that there will be an EHS graduation ceremony on Sunday, July 19, when a more formal recognition will occur.