Zoning Board of Appeals Continues Variance Request to June
Published on May 27 2020 10:31 am
Last Updated on May 27 2020 10:33 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham City Zoning Board of Appeals members Tuesday voted to continue a variance request to their June meeting.
Ironically, the variance is being sought by a new member to the Board. Andy St. John is requesting a variance in the size and height of an accessory building by the house he's building at 13190 Augusta National Drive in Prairie Ace Estates next to Effingham Country Club. St. John, who recused himself from voting on the issue, said he will be building a building to store his camper and to store his lawn care business equipment. Another lean-to will be built adjacent to a planned swimming pool.
City Attorney Tracy Willenborg said since St. John would be operating a home business, it would be allowable at the location. However, there was no sign placed on the property by the City that the property was to be the subject of a public hearing. The law doesn't require the placement of a sign for a Board of Appeals meeting, but that has been past practice for other such proceedings. The Board then decided to continue the matter to their June 23 meeting, and a sign will be placed in advance of the meeting so neighbors will be better aware of the hearing.
The Board of Appeals re-elected its officers for another year; Mike Mumm as chairman and Mark Thies as vice-chairman.
St. John joins Doug Wohltman as new members of the Board of Appeals.