Unit 40 Board Hears About Plans for EHS Senior Celebration
Published on May 26 2020 8:08 pm
Last Updated on May 27 2020 5:48 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham High School Principal Kurt Roberts made it clear to the Unit 40 school board Tuesday night; he's still working on plans for an EHS graduation ceremony in July. In the meantime, though, plans are being finalized for a Senior Celebration this coming Sunday.
The event will take place on the original graduation date, and in the parking lot at EHS. There had been consideration earlier to having the seniors standing along the sidewalks at the high school and citizens could drive by and wish them well. That idea, though, was a concern for the Health Department as it would be difficult to maintain social distancing.
Instead, Roberts said parents will be driving their student up to an area in front of the monument where they can get out and pick up their diploma and get a 5-by-7 commemorative photo taken. There will be appropriate background music. Roberts said this will be a way that they can have this many people in one area at one time.
Unit 40 Activities Director David Woltman spoke to the Board about summer workouts and camps. Woltman said the IHSA has submitted a plan to the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health as to how workouts could occur, but they haven't gotten a reply. The Board appeared favorable to beginning workouts as soon as it is okayed by the State, although Board member Jill Wendling asked whether parental permission forms should be obtained. Woltman said groups of up to nine students could participate with a coach or other adult leader.
There was discussion about remote learning, just in case face-to-face learning in the classroom is still not allowed when the school year begins. Unit 40 Superintendent Mark Doan said the District is getting out feedback surveys. Doan said points of emphasis include not just maintenance, but instruction, and ideas as to what should be included in a school day under such a scenario.
The Board accepted Kurt Endebrock's resignation as junior high assistant principal after being hired for the position earlier this month. Board members then voted to hire Kelsey Baker as assistant junior high principal. Baker was a student in Unit 40 and taught in the district, now returns as an administrator. The Board also approved salaries for administrators and for non-certified, non-union employees for the coming fiscal year. The average certified staff increase was 2.77% and the administrators average increase was 2.5% for 2020-2021.
Board members also approved a job description for the building and grounds director position, and discussed getting a district technology director position filled by sometime in July. A job description for that position was approved earlier this month.