Coles County to Resume Court Operations June 1
Published on May 26 2020 10:19 am
Last Updated on May 26 2020 10:19 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The Coles County judiciary will resume court operations starting Monday, June 1.
Any person entering the Courthouse in Charleston will be screened concerning any relevant COVID-19 symptoms. When in the Courthouse, visitors should exercise proper safety and heatlh measures including wearing a face mask or proper face covering and maintaining social distance spacing.
Only necessary persons will be allowed to attend court proceedings. Any person going to court should go alone unless otherwise authorized by the judge or their attorney. Security will be authorized to ask guests to wait outside the Courthouse.
Visitors should arrive no more than 15 minutes prior to your court hearing. You will be directed to your courtroom; don't wait in the hallways outside the courtroom.
These guidelines apply to the court system. Other visitors to the Courthouse should check with the office they are visiting as to any procedures or restrictions imposed by that office. Those offices include probation, county clerk, treasurer, assessor, regional planning and state's attorney.