Library Board Discusses "What's Next" in Return to Full Service
Published on May 20 2020 3:31 pm
Last Updated on May 20 2020 3:31 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham Public Library board members this week discussed "what's next" in the return to full service.
Library Director Amanda McKay reminded that curbside pickup has begun. Next, counter service will return, as staff members will retrieve items when requested by patrons at the counter, and any services available at the counter will be re-opened.
The Board reviewed its action plan, and decided that any building-specific items will be pushed back to 2021. There was also a report that the result of #GivingTuesdayNow, a special giving effort, generated over $1,500, with matching funds. McKay said the proceeds will be used to help with delivery of services into the county.
With the legalization of recreational cannabis in Illinois, the library board amended its personnel policy to direct that employees can't go to work "high". The Board also okayed a reimbursement policy for staff working at home during the pandemic regarding $20/month for fulltime workers and $10/month for part-time workers.
Also approved by the Board was a Family and Medical Leave Act expansion and emergency paid sick leave policy due to COVID-19, affecting employees who are sick and those who need to care for children who might be sick.