City Still Hoping to Get Better Handle on State Revenues
Published on May 19 2020 6:44 pm
Last Updated on May 19 2020 6:45 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham City Treasurer Caitlin Phillips told the City Council Tuesday night that it would likely be next month before she would have a better idea on how the COVID-19 pandemic has hurt revenues from the State.
Phillips reminded that revenues from the State are usually received 90 days after they are collected. That means revenues received in May were generated in February, before the pandemic began to harm the economy.
Phillips said state income tax revenue, sales tax, Personal Property Replacement Tax funds will all be impacted.
Also Tuesday, City Administrator Steve Miller endorsed a letter sent by the Illinois Municipal League to the governor, asking for a reduction in the phase time in his Restore Illinois plan to 14 days rather than 28 days. Miller said he hopes to get some of our businesses up and running for their benefit and to get some sales tax revenue generated.
In other action, the Council:
--amended an agreement with Kabbes Development Group to allow one more year for commercial development of the outlots in front of the Meijer store off Ford Avenue since the Meijer store will be another year in the development
--approved an amended intergovernmental agreement with the County, allocating funds for the elevator renovation project at the Effingham County Office Building
--approved a contract with Community Opportunities for funds for the renovation of the former Helen Matthes Library building on Market Avenue for use for child assistance and education
--rezoned property at 408 Keller Drive and granted a special use permit, then also approved a subdivision plat for that lot and 407 North Henrietta Street for an expansion of Effingham Veterinary Clinic
--amended the city liquor ordinance to permit delivery of liquor within the city limits for those with proper licensing
--amended the City Appointment Ordinance to name Dave Budde as City Emergency Management Agency Director
--committed local funds toward a grant project to extend Thies Avenue by John Boos and Company and for a 1,000 foot renovation of Airport Road from US Route 45 to the east
--approved a plat of CSJJJ Subdivision for the new home for I-70 Truck Center along North Route 45 near Oneighty
--awarded work to replace water mains along Rollin Hills Boulevard and South Lakewood Drive
--approved a plat for a second addition to Prairie Ace Estates next to Effingham Country Club, replatting three lots into two lots
--appointed Andy St. John to a five-year term on the City Zoning Board of Appeals
--discussed an intergovernmental agreement for three years with the County of Effingham for GIS services at $25,000/year
--discussed an agreement with RJN Group for the final year of smoke testing storm sewers to wrap up the project that has taken 10 years to complete, but gives the City information on the location of the sewers throughout the city
--heard that a bid letting is set for the morning of May 26 on hot and cold mix for street maintenance around town
--discussed revising an extension of the Downtown/Southtown rehabilitation program, reducing the maximum contribution to $25,000 and covering up to 25% of the project cost
--heard that employees support a health insurance proposal that indicates funds are available to cover a slight increase in the deductible
Commissioner Libby Moeller was not present for Tuesday's meeting.