911 Board Hires Addressing Specialist
Published on May 19 2020 2:09 pm
Last Updated on May 19 2020 2:09 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The Effingham County 911 Board Tuesday hired Jill Zerrusen as Addressing Specialist. Zerrusen, who works for Effingham County, will be paid with 911 funds for her addressing work. She succeeds Tina Daniels, who last month was hired as 911's new system administrator, succeeding Jodi Moomaw.
Daniels reported on implementation of the "I Am Responding" software system to give local fire departments another means of sharing information on fire calls and other activity. Effingham and Shumway already have the system and Daniels said Watson has completed installation of the system. She is now working with the Altamont department.
The 911 Board authorized participation by four people to attend the annual Spillman software conference. Spillman is the system used by 911. Funds are already available to cover the cost of the four to attend, if the conference is still held in these pandemic days.
IT Specialist Jason Repking reported the new server for the 911 system has arrived, along with hardware to upgrade the existing server so it can serve as a backup. The Board also acquired a laptop and software to be used by 911 Administrative Assistant Joyce Worman.
There was some discussion about the return of the General Assembly to Springfield and how 911 might fare as far as funding. Daniels said there is discussion that the current allocation for 911 might be maintained for another six months until there's a better handle on funding statewide due to the pandemic.