Unit 40 Board Planning for Uncertain Future
Published on May 18 2020 7:45 pm
Last Updated on May 19 2020 6:01 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham Unit 40 school board members and administrators discussed an uncertain future at Monday night's meeting.
The source of the uncertainty is not knowing whether the new school year will begin in the classroom or whether remote learning will still be in effect.
Unit 40 Superintendent Mark Doan said he's for planning as if students will be in the classroom. Doan said, though, that plans need to be in place if remote learning is the rule, everything from how learning will be delivered to the social and emotional toll the situation can take on students, families and educators.
School Board President Angie Byers said, "We need to have plans in place when the school year begins", regardless of whether students are in or out of the classroom.
Doan also wants to make sure that if remote learning is the option, it can be properly delivered to all parts of the school district.
Also Monday, the Board approved just under $113,000 in technology purchases for the coming school year. There was discussion about what could be done to bring the district to 1:1 as far as learning devices per student, and some saw the acquisition of the devices last night for use at the high school as moving the District along toward that goal.
The Board also approved the replacement of the field lights at the junior high school for a net cost of about $800, as changing out the old lights for LEDs will provide a cost savings. While work is underway to construct a parking lot and a roadway in the area, enough of the old football field will be retained as a practice field for the band.
As to progress on reconstructing the junior high building, windows are being replaced on the back of the building, with replacement of the windows on the front to begin in early June. Assistant Superintendent Jason Fox said the red panels will be removed and the spaces on the building will be all windows. The old steam heat pipes are being cut out as part of the change to a new heating and air conditioning system. Asbestos work also continues, along with pouring of new floor in places in the basement to make for level floors.
Fox also reported that resurfacing of the high school track will proceed this summer, with striping to follow.
The Board approved purchasing more than $52,000 in janitorial and custodial equipment various district buildings, and purchased a used bucket truck for $43,000. Board members Jane Willenborg and Steve Bone will again serve as delegate and alternate for the district on the Eastern Illinois Area Special Education board.
In personnel moves, the Unit 40 board hired Abra Woomer as a second grade teacher at South Side for the coming school year; hired Charity Ozier as a Music teacher at the Early Learning Center for the coming year; hired Theresa Fuesting and Laura Hodges as transportation seasonal staff; and hired Jordan McCabe as maintenance seasonal staff. Appointments approved were of Stephanie Mitchell as yearbook advisor at the junior high school for the coming school year; Morgan Wilson as junior high assistant softball coach; Lacy Althoff as 8th grade girls basketball coach; and Janelle Schuette as high school football cheerleading sponsor.
The Board also voted 5-1 to approve a job description for a district technology director.
Kathleen Smith was not present for Monday's meeting.