County Board Acts on Two Transportation Improvement Projects
Published on May 18 2020 5:29 pm
Last Updated on May 18 2020 5:29 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham County board members Monday approved moving ahead with two transportation improvement projects.
One project is a reconstruction of the bridge carrying Moccasin Road over Shumway Cove at Lake Sara. The Board's vote was to authorize matching funds toward the cost of the project. County Engineer Greg Koester said the County's share amounts to $65,000. Koester said the project will begin soon after Labor Day and will take about a month to complete. A detour on the east and west ends of the project will be in place. Bids on the work should be received on June 12.
The other project involved committing funds toward a Rebuild Illinois economic development grant project. The work will see reconstruction of about 1,000 feet of Airport Road, east from US Route 45. Koester said the County is seeking Truck Route and Economic Development funds toward their share of the $452,000 project cost. Koester hopes the work will be done within two years.
The Board also passed a resolution opposing harmful tax proposals such as Senate Bill 2298 that would raise the gasoline tax; agreed not to earmark any hotel/motel funds toward maintenance of the TREC Trail system this year; approved an ordinance adopting the salary schedule for the next year for the County Coroner position; approved Paul Niemerg as a trustee of the Dieterich Fire Protection District; approved Henry Verdeyen and Jim Ping to new terms on the County Board of Review; and honored Eric Higgs for his 25 years' service with the Effingham County Sheriff's Department. Higgs began as a correctional officer, then was appointed a sheriff's deputy, and has most recently served as a School Resource Officer.
The Board decided to temporarily suspend a requirement that establishments in unincorporated areas of the county collect hotel/motel tax revenue until the end of the fiscal year November 30; granted the Circuit Clerk six extra months to file the annual circuit clerk audit; and declared the need to replace an air conditioner compressor at the County Government Center an emergency, allowing the immediate purchase of a replacement compressor from Sycamore for $27,882.
Board members agreed to submit applications for $25,000 in downstate small business stabilization program funds for Spectrum Screen Graphics, Goebel Equipment, and Country Haven Event Center; passed a resolution to approve low bidders for road oil and patch mix for road work this summer; and approved a plat of the eighth addition to Campground Subdivision, southwest of Altamont.
Chief Deputy Sheriff Paul Kuhns reported that the elevator renovation project in the Effingham County Office Buiding will begin Tuesday, May 26. Board Chairman Jim Niemann said board meetings and committee meetings will take place in a first floor meeting room during the project. Sheriff Dave Mahon said work is underway on the SmartWatt project designed to save the County money on energy costs. Mahon said it will be a two-month project. Board member Heather Mumma reported that the addition to the Effingham County Animal Shelter is almost completed. Board member Doug McCain thanked Niemann for the extra work he's put in during the COVID-19 pandemic. Niemann did not ask for the Emergency Declaration in effect the past two months to be renewed.