Junior High School Renovation Project Moving Along
Published on May 15 2020 1:42 pm
Last Updated on May 15 2020 1:44 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Among all of the negative things about the Coronavirus pandemic, one thing that has proved beneficial is the extra time available to work on the Effingham Junior High School renovation project.
Unit 40 Assistant Superintendent Jason Fox Friday told the school board's Facilities/Transportation Committee that there are 20 to 25 trucks a day at the junior high where work is underway. Fox said window replacement is underway, as well as abatement work. The locker rooms are being renovated, and the demolition of the second floor is moving ahead with doors being cut in.
Fox also had news on the blind installation work in the Effingham High School Hearts Rock Cafe. He said Wright Furniture plans to install the blinds in mid-June.
There was also discussion about hiring maintenance help for the summer, as well as the purchase of a bucket truck and janitorial equipment. Any purchases would be finalized by the full Board at their regular monthly meeting.