Shelby County Board Passes Return to Work Guidelines
Published on May 14 2020 10:36 am
Last Updated on May 14 2020 2:31 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Shelby County Board members Wednesday voted unanimously to approve a resolution recommending Return to Work guidelines.
The resolution affects those in unincorporated areas of Shelby County and is effective immediately.
The resolution is supportive of Gov. J.B. Pritzker's efforts to quarantine residents of congregate facilities and in closing schools for the remainder of the school year. However, the resolution points out the much lower rates of COVID-19 infections in downstate counties and the toll the Governor's Stay-At-Home Orders have taken on the economy.
The resolution states that "businesses wishing to implement the Shelby County Return to Business Plan and Guidelines should contact their insurance provider and legal counsel" prior to adopting the guidelines included in the measure.
There are four phases that make up the guidelines, which are each effective for 14 days. In Phase III, all businesses, places of worship, and gatherings may resume normal contact. Under that phase, social distancing, frequent hand washing, and general professional and personal hygiene is still recommended. If the number of COVID-19 cases presenting for hospitalization remains sufficiently below the hospital's ability to treat the cases, there would be no Phase IV.
Here are the guidelines approved by the Board Wednesday:
Shelby County Return to Work Recommended Guidelines
General: The impact of COVID-19 has varied across regions of the state. While we are pleased that the impact to the majority has been less than projected, the risk for our older residents and those with preexisting conditions remains a major concern.
With those risks in mind, the residents of Shelby County feel that returning to work and reinforcing temporary safeguards for the business community is important and should be a priority for local and state government.
To be both safe and successful, residents should develop a personal practice of distancing from others, frequently washing hands; avoiding contact with your face; and avoiding contact with items in public whenever possible.
Residents should monitor their own health and remain home if feeling ill or having a temperature or a persisting cough. Contact a physician about any symptoms that persist for more than 24 hours.
Effectiveness: The regional medical centers will establish monitoring criteria of capacity to treat patients. Any significant changes to that capacity will be provided to local government for consideration of changes to the local policies under advice of the local Public Health Department.
Monitoring: The Shelby County Public Health Department will continue to monitor businesses under their jurisdiction. Businesses failing to maintain standards described below will be labeled as a health risk to similar practices used for Environmental Health by the local Public Health Department and, where applicable, have their license to do business suspended.
Definition: Immediate family shall be considered members of a household, children, parents, grandchildren, and grandparents, including natural, adoptive, or foster status.
Shelby County Health department shall continue to review data from the several states that are opening back up for business, as well as monitor local COVID 19 related cases. As a result, if those numbers do not show an increase in COVID19 cases that threaten hospital capacity to give relevant treatment, Shelby County plans to open in Phases, effective at midnight May 13, 2020.
Any employee exhibiting COVID 19 symptoms shall be sent home immediately. All employers shall maintain a log of employees reporting for work and their temperature readings as required below for the duration of Phase I and Phase II.
Phase I
- Temporary isolation restrictions and employee monitoring shall remain in effect for the following:
- Nursing Homes
- Assisted Living / Group Home Facilities
- Residents over 65 or those with preexisting conditions are encouraged to use extreme caution and practice personal protection through distancing, sanitation and masks and avoid exposure to the general public whenever possible.
- Retail
- All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours.
- Masks shall be recommended for all employees
- Occupancy up to 50% of the current legal limit
- Hand sanitation wipes provided at entry for use on carts/baskets
- Protective screens for employees whenever feasible
- Curb side and pick up service whenever feasible
- Restaurants / Bars
- All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours.
- Masks shall be recommended for all employees
- Occupancy up to 50% of the current legal limit
- Protective screens for employees whenever feasible
- No patrons within six feet of each other, unless members of immediate family
- No self-service of any type
- No-contact menu (online on personal device, disposable or posted)
- All surfaces sanitized between each customer use
- Disposable table cover or place mats, if in use, must be replaced after each service
- Personal Care Providers (Hair, nail, massage, etc.)
- All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours.
- Masks shall be recommended for all employees
- When possible limit customers by appointment only
- Protective screens for employees whenever feasible
- No patrons within six feet of each other
- All surfaces sanitized between each customer use
- Professional Services (Banking, Accounting, etc.)
- All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours.
- Masks shall be recommended for all employees
- When possible limit customers by appointment only
- When open for walk-in business, limit customers to ensure a minimum six-foot distance
- Protective screens for employees whenever feasible
- No patrons within six feet of each other
- All surfaces sanitized between each customer use
- Places of Worship
- All staff and worship leaders shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours.
- Occupancy reduced to ensure not less than six feet distance between attendees
- Distancing between family members is at their discretion
- Avoid contact with common items (items open to use by all attendees)
- Disposable hymn handouts
- Avoid physical contact between attendees
- All surfaces touched by attendees shall sanitized between each use
- Continued Virtual worship is recommended
- Avoid communion practices is recommended
- Use only alternate pews or seating to maintain distance is recommended
- Gaming Rooms
- All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours.
- Masks shall be recommended for all employees
- Protective screens for employees whenever feasible
- No patrons within six feet of each other
- All surfaces sanitized between each customer use
- Gym, Exercise Facility
- All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours.
- Masks shall be recommended for all employees
- Protective screens for employees whenever feasible
- Facilities with equipment – treadmills, stairs, etc. - allowed with 6-foot limit
- No patrons within six feet of each other
- All surfaces sanitized between each customer use
- Public Parks, Golf Courses and Campgrounds
- Maintain six feet distance between visitors
- Distancing between family members is at their discretion
- Golf carts can have an occupancy of two people or more if designed for extra passengers
- Avoid contact with or bring sanitizing wipes for common items (items open to use by all visitors such as playground equipment)
- Maintain six feet distance between visitors
- The following remain closed until further information is provided by the Public Health Department
- Dance Halls
- Movie Theaters
- Contact Sports
- Public Pools
- Daycare
- All employees and children shall have their temperatures taken upon arriving at the Daycare facility and after 4 hours of work, if remaining on the premises longer than 4 hours,
- Daycare can operate at 50% of capacity
- Social distancing and continual cleaning of surfaces used by employees and children is encouraged
- All food preparation surfaces, handles, knobs and common surfaces shall be sanitized before and after each use.
- Any individual testing positive for COVID19 shall be quarantined at home or a medical treatment facility a minimum of 10 days following the onset of illness and 72 hours after being consistently afebrile without the use of antipyretics and with resolving respiratory symptoms. These individuals will be contacted daily, by phone or other electronic means, by the Shelby County Health Department or their agent to answer questions and check on their well-being and status.
Phase II
If after 14 days of following the Phase I guidelines, and Shelby County Health Department assessment of COVID 19 cases presenting for hospitalization remain sufficiently below the hospitals ability to treat the cases, the following practices shall be in place:
- Temporary isolation restrictions and employee monitoring shall remain in effect for the following:
- Nursing Homes
- Assisted Living / Group Home Facilities
- Residents over 65 or those with preexisting conditions are encouraged to use extreme caution and practice personal protection through distancing, sanitation and masks and avoid exposure to the general public whenever possible
- Retail
- All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours.
- Masks shall be recommended for all employees
- Occupancy up to 75% of the current legal limit
- Hand sanitation wipes provided at entry for use on carts/baskets
- Protective screens for employees whenever feasible
- Continued curb side and pick up service whenever feasible if requested
- Restaurants / Bars
- All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours.
- Masks shall be recommended for all employees
- Occupancy up to 75% of the current legal limit
- Protective screens for employees whenever feasible
- No patrons within six feet of each other, unless members of immediate family
- No self-service of any type
- No-contact menu (online on personal device, disposable or posted)
- All surfaces sanitized between each customer use
- Disposable table cover or place mats, if in use, must be replaced after each service
- Personal Care Providers (Hair, nail, massage, etc.)
- All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work.
- Masks shall be recommended for all employees
- When possible limit customers by appointment only
- Protective screens for employees whenever feasible
- No patrons within six feet of each other
- All surfaces sanitized between each customer use
- Professional Services (Banking, Accounting, etc.)
- All employees shall have temperature when arriving at work.
- Masks shall be recommended for all employees
- When possible limit customers by appointment only
- When open for walk-in business, limit customers to ensure a minimum six-foot distance
- Protective screens for employees whenever feasible
- No patrons within six feet of each other
- All surfaces sanitized between each customer use
- Places of Worship
- All staff and worship leaders shall have temperature checks when arriving to work.
- Occupancy reduced to ensure not less than six feet distance between attendees
- Distancing between family members is at their discretion
- Avoid contact with common items (items open to use by all attendees)
- Disposable hymn handouts
- Avoid physical contact between attendees
- All surfaces touched by attendees shall sanitized between each use
- Continued Virtual worship is recommended
- Avoid communion practices is recommended
- Use only alternate pews or seating to maintain distance
- Gaming Rooms
- All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work.
- Masks shall be recommended for all employees
- Protective screens for employees whenever feasible
- No patrons within six feet of each other
- All surfaces sanitized between each customer use
- Gym, Exercise Facility
- All employees shall have temperature checks when arriving to work and after four hours of work, if working longer than 4 hours.
- Masks shall be recommended for all employees
- Facilities with equipment – treadmills, stairs, etc – allowed with 6-foot limit
- No patrons within six feet of each other
- All surfaces sanitized between each customer use
- Public Parks, Golf Courses, and Campgrounds
- Maintain six feet distance between visitors
- Distancing between family members is at their discretion
- Golf carts can have an occupancy of two people or more if designed for extra passengers
- Avoid contact with or bring sanitizing wipes for common items (items open to use by all visitors such as playground equipment).
- Distancing between family members is at their discretion
- Avoid contact with or bring sanitizing wipes for common items (items open to use by all visitors such as playground equipment suggested)
- Maintain six feet distance between visitors
- Public Venues
- Except as provided, the following will remain closed until further information is provided by the Public Health Department
- Dance Halls
- Concert Halls
- Outdoor Concerts may open if 6 feet of separation can be maintained
- Movie Theaters may open if 6 feet of distancing can be maintained of non- family members.
- Contact Sports
- Public Pools
- Daycare
- All employees and children shall have their temperatures taken upon arriving at the Daycare facility and after 4 hours of work, if remaining on the premises longer than 4 hours,
- Daycare can operate at 50% of capacity
- Social distancing and continual cleaning of surfaces used by employees and children is encouraged
- All food preparation surfaces, handles, knobs and common surfaces shall be sanitized before and after each use.
- Any individual testing positive for COVID19 shall be quarantined at home or a medical treatment facility a minimum of 10 days following the onset of illness and 72 hours after being consistently afebrile without the use of antipyretics and with resolving respiratory symptoms. These individuals will be contacted daily, by phone or other electronic means, by the Shelby County Health Department or their agent to answer questions and check on their well-being and status.
Phase III
If after 14 days of following the Phase II guidelines, and Shelby County Health Department assessment of COVID 19 cases presenting for hospitalization remain sufficiently below the hospitals ability to treat the cases, the following practices shall be in place:
All businesses, places of worship, and gatherings may resume normal contact. It is still encouraged to practice social distancing, frequent hand washing, and general professional and personal hygiene among our citizens and businesses.
Phase IV
If after 14 days of following the Phase III guidelines, and Shelby County Health Department assessment of COVID 19 cases presenting for hospitalization remain sufficiently below the hospitals ability to treat the cases, Phase III guidelines will remain in place.
If, at any point, the Shelby County Health Department reviews hospital capacity patients to treat and determines the need to implement restrictions, Phase II or Phase I may be implemented by Shelby County.