Beecher City School Board Chooses 20-21 Officers
Published on May 13 2020 1:01 pm
Last Updated on May 13 2020 1:01 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Beecher City school board members have chosen its officers for the next term.
Lee Roadarmel was chosen board president, Jacob Burks vice president, and Jordan Shields as secretary. They were the sole candidates.
The Board approved summer maintenance work; approved Mose, Yockey, Kull and Brown LLC to do audit work; and rehired Susan Seiler for the coming school year.
Board members hired Brittany Phillips as a certified staff member; approved Craig Anderson as the EIASE board representative for the coming school year; and approved the resignation of Kristine Sayers.
The Board approved the consolidated district plan for the coming school year; approved technology updates for the coming year; and approved the hiring of Kari McElroy as the grade school cook.