17 New COVID-19 Cases at Charleston Rehab and Healthcare


Published on May 12 2020 6:16 am
Last Updated on May 12 2020 6:16 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Coles County Health Department, (CCHD) was notified Monday of 17 additional laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases with three currently hospitalized. The total confirmed COVID-19 laboratory case count for Coles County is 46, with 22 recovered, two deceased, and 19 recovering.

Coles County Health Department and Charleston Rehab and Healthcare announced the death of a second Coles County resident with COVID-19. This person was a resident at Charleston Rehab and Healthcare facility. 21 of the confirmed cases are associated with Charleston Rehab and Healthcare. The CCHD does not regularly identify the names of long-term care facilities with outbreaks of communicable diseases. However, in partnership with Charleston Rehab and Healthcare, the CCHD is identifying this facility to assist with communications to the community and family members of residents. When cases are confirmed at any long-term care facility, IDPH guidance directs the long-term facility of steps to be taken with residents and the facility. IDPH guidance also directs the long-term facility to communicate this information with the physician, local health department, regulatory agency, families, staff and residents.

Coles County Health Department has continued to be in ongoing communication with long-term care facilities. Upon notification of these positive cases, the Coles County Health Department (CCHD) immediately started contact tracing following Illinois Department of Public Health protocol and guidance. Contacts have been and are being notified and provided with appropriate direction. All confirmed cases are following isolation guidelines. Those considered to be contacts of the confirmed cases have been and are being notified and instructed to follow direction to prevent the spread of illness. Petersen Health Care provided information on the preventative actions and infection control policies they have in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within their Skilled Care Centers.