Rep. Wilhour Has Recovery Plan
Published on May 8 2020 7:46 am
Last Updated on May 8 2020 3:44 pm
State Rep. Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City) says not only does Illinois need to take a regional approach to reopening the economy, but the state must also take a much more aggressive approach to save lives and guard against a complete collapse of the Illinois economy.
“The plan the Governor put forth has the potential to keep Illinois in lockdown in perpetuity, leaving many to wonder if this is by design,” Wilhour said. “We have to be cautious and thoughtful in our approach, but we also have to get to the goal of actually opening the economy. The Governor’s plan stokes fear and fails to take into account the tremendous toll the lockdown is having on people’s lives. There are people putting off cancer treatments because of fear of this virus. We need to be finding ways to encourage people to get back to normal and get the life-saving non-COVID-19 treatments they need. Instead of stoking fear, we need a more balanced approach and that is what I am proposing.”
Wilhour’s proposal is a three-phase plan to reopen the economy. His plan advises individuals to develop a personal practice of distancing from others, frequently washing hands; avoiding contact with their face; and avoiding contact with items in public whenever possible. Residents should monitor their own health and remain home if feeling ill or having a temperature or a persisting cough.
“No matter when we reopen our economy, there will have to be precautions taken, Wilhour said. “What we can’t do is keep delaying this process. The longer we wait to reopen, the more damage will be done to our economy. We need to begin this process now.”
Wilhour’s plan could go into effect as soon as May 10th. Under the plan, most all sectors of the economy would open, with tighter restrictions in phases I and II followed by much more relaxed restrictions in phase III. As long as hospital bed capacity was sufficient to meet demand of any new COVID-19 cases, regions would be able to move to the next phase in 14-day increments.
“My plan is a gradual come back of the economy and is based on the facts on the ground in real time,” Wilhour said. “Regions that meet the criteria can move onto the next phase. It is a safe and responsible plan and would give businesses the ability to start their comeback immediately.”
The specific proposed plan can be found at