Teutopolis Village Board Freezes Wages Pending End of Pandemic
Published on May 7 2020 11:03 am
Last Updated on May 7 2020 11:03 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Teutopolis Village Board members Wednesday decided to freeze the wages of village employees until some resolution of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It's not known whether projected revenues from the State will be at or close to what the village expected to receive. Once the revenue stream is known, the matter of wages could be revisited.
The board tabled a discussion on the definition of warehouse storage buildings until all board members can be present. Summer maintenance workers were hired, including Craig Carr for mowing, and Josh Hardiek, Jarrett Hardiek and Gavin Meyer for painting and other projects.
Board members awarded the bids for stockpiling street maintenance materials to Charles Heuerman Trucking, and allocated $50,000 in motor fuel tax funds for oil for use on street maintenance. It was also reported that all current liquor license holders reapplied and have been issued new licenses.
Also approved was a change order on the Route 40 turn lane project into Wooden Shoe Development, adding just over $28,000 to the project cost for traffic control surveillance during the work.