2,270 New Cases of Coronavirus Disease Reported Wednesday in Illinois
Published on May 6 2020 2:45 pm
Last Updated on May 6 2020 2:45 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The Illinois Department of Public Health Wednesday reported 2,270 new cases of coronavirus disease in the state for the 24-hour period ending at 2pm. The figures include 136 additional COVID-19 related deaths for the period. 83 of those deaths are from Cook County.
There were no deaths in any of our area counties.
As far as positive COVID-19 cases by area counties, Jasper County is listed as having experienced 46 cases. Yesterday's number posted by the State for Jasper County was 48. A call to the Jasper County Health Department turned up that the number is actually 46, so the Tuesday number on the State report was not accurate.
The number of positive cases reported in other area counties is unchanged from Tuesday; five in Effingham County, 10 in Shelby County, four in Cumberland County, 16 in Fayette County, and two in Clay County.
Close to 15,000 tests were processed over the 24-hour period.