Unit 40 School Board Aims for July Graduation Ceremony, but Still Working on Something for the End of This Month
Published on May 5 2020 7:35 pm
Last Updated on May 6 2020 10:06 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The Effingham Unit 40 Board of Education Tuesday voted to hold commencement exercises for the Class of 2020 on Sunday, July 19 at 2pm.
EHS Principal Kurt Roberts has been working on a way to make graduation ceremonies possible and memorable. The plan approved Tuesday would feature a joint prom with St. Anthony High School on Friday night, July 17, at the Thelma Keller Convention Center, St. Anthony graduation on Saturday night, July 18, and EHS graduation on the 19th.
Roberts said plans now are for online voting for the Prom Court.
However, all of those plans are subject to the pandemic and how the state and our area is recovering.
In the meantime, Roberts and Unit 40 Superintendent Mark Doan are working on a reverse parade on Sunday, May 31, at 2pm. Roberts said the plan would involve members of the Class of 2020 standing along Grove Avenue and along the sidewalks winding along the front of the high school building. Motorists then could enter the school grounds from the south off Route 40 and travel by the class members and wish them well, exiting along Grove Avenue.
Other options are still being considered if these plans can't happen, including having the graduates drive up to a stage in front of the high school gym main entrance to receive their diplomas.
Also Tuesday, the Unit 40 Board hired Kurt Endebrock as assistant principal at Effingham Junior High School. Endebrock, an EHS graduate, has served as an administrator in southern Illinois. The vote was 5-2, with Kathleen Smith and Board President Angie Byers voting No. The Board also approved Deb Blankenship, Katrina Eirhart, Jason Eirhart, Miranda Fox, Jared Hammer, Megan McDonald and Weston Peno as technology seasonal staff, and hired Thomas O'Brien as a health and PE teacher at the junior high school for the coming school year.
The Board also voted to reject a bid for new flooring in South Side School, as the only bid received came in $100,000 over the estimated cost. Additional work to complete the work raised the price. The hope is that rebidding the work later might entice more bids. In the interim, the floor will be repainted.
Board members also voted to join the Effingham Classroom Teachers Association in their Adopt a Senior project and also to purchase teacher appreciation gifts.