Unit 40 Board's Technology Committee Looks at Remote Learning for Fall, If It's Necessary
Published on May 4 2020 1:11 pm
Last Updated on May 4 2020 2:15 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Members of the Effingham Unit 40 Board of Education's Technology Committee Monday looked at a remote learning plan for Fall, if that's how learning is still being delivered at that time.
No one knows whether students will be back in class when the new school year begins. In the meantime, committee members discussed matters of connectivity. The consensus was to develop "an equitable way for all to connect and learn."
Members heard that there are several "dead spots" in the district as far as internet receptivity. One suggestion was finding entities in all parts of the district...businesses or churches, for example...willing to make their facility available for use by students who don't have service at home. Even "drive up" service was mentioned; where a student or a parent could go to a location with good service, park at the location, and utilize the service available at that location.
Another item suggested was having items owned by the District that a family could "check out" to use at home if classes are not in session.
Nothing was decided, but committee members plan to meet again next Monday to continue the discussion.
There was also discussion regarding a Technology Coordinator, summer help, and an entry tech.