Governor Says State is Appealing Ruling in Bailey Case
Published on April 28 2020 3:03 pm
Last Updated on April 28 2020 3:15 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker said the State is "appealing immediately" the Monday ruling in favor of St. Rep. Darren Bailey of Xenia and granting a temporary injunction against Bailey having to comply with any Illinois Stay-At-Home orders.
We had told you at the time of the filing of the suit that it was Darren Bailey vs. J.B. Pritkzer, and Judge Michael McHaney's ruling Monday directly affects Bailey alone.
During his daily COVID-19 press briefing, the governor spoke to the lawsuit and the verdict...
Nadine Wichern of the Illinois Attorney General's Office has filed an appeal on the governor's behalf to the judge's ruling. No date had been set for the appeal hearing as of Tuesday afternoon.
Meanwhile, the Illinois Department of Public Health Tuesday announced 2,219 new cases of coronavirus disease. There were also 144 additional deaths, the highest one-day death total yet.
113 of the deaths occurred in Cook County.
Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 48,102 cases, including 2,125 deaths, in 96 counties in Illinois.
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