Altamont Council Approves Banner Placement for Class of 2020
Published on April 28 2020 9:40 am
Last Updated on April 28 2020 9:40 am
Written by Greg Sapp
It's been a tough year for high school seniors, what with the COVID-19 pandemic ruining plans for many.
Amanda Miller approached the Altamont City Council on Monday night. Miller asked permission to have recognition banners for Altamont seniors placed on utility poles around the city. Council members liked the idea. City employees will place the banners once they're ready. Private funds will pay for the banners.
The Altamont Council hired Helotech for just under $14,000. The vendor will waterproof around the Altamont Municipal Building. The work will include installation of a sump pump and a drainage system.
Altamont Council members also discussed the annual Memorial Day celebration, and decided to put plans on hold for now until more is known about the impact of the COVID-19 virus at that time.