Shelby County Officials Announce Four New Positive COVID-19 Tests


Published on April 24 2020 2:11 pm
Last Updated on April 24 2020 2:11 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

The Shelby County Health Department Friday announced that four additional Shelby County residents have tested positive for coronavirus disease.

Shelby County now has a total of nine residents that have tested positive for COVID-19.

Three of the new cases are all connected to the same community integrated living arrangement operated by Healthcare Management Corporation. The home has four individuals that live there. One resident of the home tested positive and was announced Thursday as Shelby County's fifth case. One resident tested negative and is being relocated to alternate housing.

One individual that tested positive is a staff member of Healthcare Management Corporation and has been in close contact with the residents of this home.

A total of 12 individuals connected to this residence were tested and four have tested positive. Testing positive Friday is a 61-year-old female, a 66-year-old female and a 57-year-old female. All these individuals were tested at HSHS Good Shepherd Hospital in Shelbyville. All individuals will be ordered to isolate per IDPH and CDC guidelines.

Additionally, the health department announced the ninth positive test for a Shelby County resident and is not affiliated with the community integrated living arrangement; a 73-year-old male who is currently hospitalized at Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center near Mattoon.