Dieterich Board Discusses Motorists Coming Into Town Too Fast from the North
Published on April 22 2020 1:33 pm
Last Updated on April 22 2020 1:33 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Dieterich village board members this week discussed reports from a resident that motorists were coming into town too fast on the Blacktop from the north.
Members decided to contact the Effingham County Sheriff's Office to monitor the area in an effort to reduce vehicle speeds.
The Board learned that water and sewer installation work is underway in the village's new industrial park on the east side of the village. Members also voted to list a parcel of property at 204 West Center Street with a local realtor in an attempt to sell off the parcel, and hired McCollum Lawn Service to mow the Route 33 ditch this season for $130 per mowing.
Board members decided to let village employees maintain the generator at the Civic Center, and to keep the ditch tiling work along West Section Street as was earlier discussed rather than extending the project.