911 Board Formally Says Thanks to Moomaw


Published on April 21 2020 2:27 pm
Last Updated on April 21 2020 2:27 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Jodi Moomaw and Effingham County 911 are synonomous; she's been a part of 911 since it was established in the 1990s. 

Moomaw has resigned as 911 System Administrator to go to work for a service provider for the local 911 system. Her resignation is official; she had announced her departure in March, but she was asked to stay on for another month with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.


Moomaw said there have been ups and downs through the years, but she's proud of the system and what it's become. News Director Greg Sapp had the opportunity to talk with her after Tuesday's meeting...

Moomaw's time with the city police department has been even longer than her tenure with 911. She departs as Police Communication Manager.

The 911 Board named Addressing Specialist Tina Daniels to succeed Moomaw as 911 System Administrator. Daniels serves as Communication Manager for the County Sheriff's Department. Billie Bales was earlier named to succeed Moomaw as Police Communication Manager. 

911 is now looking for a successor to Daniels as Addressing Specialist. Those interested in the position may submit a resume by email to 911secretary@co.effingham.il.us, or mail to ETSB PO Box 6009, Effingham, IL 62401, or drop off the Effingham County Board Office at 101 N. 4th St. Suite 301, Effingham. 

Applications will be accepted through 3pm on May 1.

The 911 Board also approved allowing county fire departments to join the "I AM Responding" system. The system is designed to improve communication between the departments, and there is no additional cost to 911. Effingham Assistant Fire Chief Matt Kulesza said 911 just needs to finalize what departments want to join. The agreement will be for five years, which Kulesza said was the most cost-effective option.