5th Positive COVID-19 Case Reported in Effingham County
Published on April 21 2020 1:44 pm
Last Updated on April 21 2020 1:54 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Another positive COVID-19 case, Effingham County's fifth, was reported Tuesday.
The individual, a woman in her 30s, reports no known contact with the novel coronavirus. A release from the Effingham County Health Department says that news "validates messages that COVID-19 is circulating in the Effingham and surrounding communities."
A Health Department statement indicates "the new case is doing well and is recovering at home on isolation."
The Health Department reports, "One of the five cases reported in Effingham County has already recovered, while two others are improving daily." There has been one death of an Effingham County resident that was positive for COVID-19.
To protect yourself and others from community spread, it is important to follow the guidance of the IL Department of Public Health, the CDC, and the Effingham County Health Department.
• Leave home only to acquire essential needs.
• Adhere to social distancing guidelines of 6 feet.
• Wear a mask.
• Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
• Disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
• Sneeze or cough into a tissue, throw it away and wash your hands again.
• If you are feeling ill, isolate yourself at home and call a medical provider if symptoms worsen.
For more information call the Illinois Department of Public Health 24-hour COVID-19 hotline at 1-800- 889-3931. Other trusted sources of information include the CDC, IDPH and ECHD websites and social media accounts.
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