County Board Acts on Amendments to County Ambulance Service Ordinance
Published on April 20 2020 5:47 pm
Last Updated on April 20 2020 9:58 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The Effingham County Board Monday amended the Effingham County Ambulance Service Ordinance.
Two changes were approved, both dealing with utilizing other services when Abbott EMS, the contracted ambulance service, is not available.
One change removes the need for a Letter of Authorization for other ambulance services utilized, the other change removes the Standard of Care for the other ambulance services.
County Board Chairman Jim Niemann said this would allow utilization of other ambulance services if Abbott or Jasper County Ambulance Service, with whom Abbott has a mutual aid agreement aren't available. Niemann said if there's a need for an ambulance, this will allow utilization of any legitimate service. Effingham County State's Attorney Bryan Kibler said he had reviewed the changes and was comfortable with them.
The Board approved taking requests for Small Business Stabilization Grant funds. Businesses can request up to $25,000. Applications for the grant funds will be posted on the County website by week's end.
Board members agreed to impose a 5% tax on those renting their properties in unincorporated areas of the county. A tax is already in place for hotels and motels in those areas. The Board also abated a GIS fee for the City of Altamont and the City of Effingham as sufficient funding is being generated from other sources.
The Board approved participating in 20% of the cost of the Lake Sara Bridge project, and approved the cooperation agreement supporting the City of Effingham's application for Rebuild Illinois funds. The funds would help pay for improvements to Thies Avenue in the area of the John Boos and Company expansion project, and for improvements to Airport Road from South Route 45 to the site of a new home for Hetzel's Overland Transport near the Genaust property.
Board members agreed to extend the County's COVID-19 disaster declaration allowing Niemann authority to take action in certain areas without action by the Board; created a line item for the pay of Public Information Officer Herb Meeker; donated $1,000 for Edgewoodfest; and approved appointments including fire district trustees Robert Hoene at Sigel, Jonathan Horn at Teutopolis, Alan Davis at Watson, and Dan Roedl at Altamont, and Steve Miller as a member of the County Housing Authority.
Recognition was also given Deputy Coroner Karen Hoene for her production of more than 400 masks at no charge for first responders and other emergency service personnel.