Two Additional Positive COVID-19 Cases in Coles County
Published on April 20 2020 6:04 am
Last Updated on April 20 2020 6:04 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Coles County Health Department was notified Sunday of two additional laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases. The total confirmed COVID-19 laboratory case count for Coles County is 16, with two recovered. All cases are recovering at home at this time and monitored daily by health department staff.
Coles County Health Department Administator Diana Stenger said, "Coles County is seeing an increase in cases. I cannot express enough the importance of Governor Pritzker's 'Stay at Home' Executive Order. Please use the utmost necessary protection for any essential need to be out of your homes by social distancing, wearing a mask, and following Illinois Department of Public Health guidelines."