Jasper County Reporting Second COVID-19 Death, 20 Positive Cases (UPDATE)
Published on April 19 2020 3:05 pm
Last Updated on April 20 2020 8:50 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The Jasper County Health Department Sunday reported the second death in the county due to COVID-19. The total number of cases in the county is now at 20.
72 tests have been conducted in Jasper County, and 39 have come back negative. 13 results are still pending.
Of the positive Jasper County cases, one person is hospitalized, and one person has recovered.
It has been confirmed that 18 of the 20 positive cases in Jasper County are residents of Newton Care Center. On April 3, the Care Center was contacted by Jasper County Health Department of their first positive case. A statement from the Care Center indicates that the first resident to test positive was exposed to the coronavirus while outside of their facility for acute care.
The statement from the Care Center indicates that the resident was tested, as was the roommate, and the tests came back positive for the coronavirus.
Newton Care Center Administrator Paula Schoonover was quoted as saying, "We've been doing everything with the guidance from our local and state departments of health and the CDC. We are following strict isolation protocols. We have very skilled and dedicated staff working our COVID-19 unit. Our staff have worked tirelessly and selflessly to provide compassionate care to those affected. We are working directly with our extremely supportive local health department to meet our need for resident and staff testing."