No Asbestos Found in Teutopolis Village Hall
Published on April 16 2020 11:18 am
Last Updated on April 16 2020 11:18 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Teutopolis village board members heard that no asbestos was found in the village hall during a recent inspection.
The Board is considering moving ahead with replacing the hall, a project discussed for many years. The building had to be checked for the presence of asbestos before it could be taken down if a new hall is built.
Meanwhile, design work on a new hall is preceding. The village board will likely decide this summer whether to seek bids on a new building. Funds have been set aside for the project for many years.
Also Wednesday, the village board released claim on a lot in Prairie View Subdivision; and paid bills to Howell Paving and to Milano and Grunloh Engineers on the turn lane project off US Route 40 into the business park on the west side of the village.